Web & Moss Studio
Literary Windows
Web & Moss Studio
Literary Windows
Schematic of sea otter foraging behavior in kelp forest environment. Northern Sea Otters (Enhydra lutris) consume 25% of their bodyweight daily and can eat over 100 different species of invertebrate. Included here in detail are red sea urchin, yellow tail rockfish, dungeness crab, northwest mussel, and pinto abalone.
Beetle - color pencil
Color pencil illustration of a wolverine. Reference material generously provided by Igor Shpilenok.
Guoache painting of the endangered North American Pika (Ochotona princeps) and babies in their rapidly disappearing alpine environment. Photo reference generously provided by naturespicsonline.com
Common Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) is a carnivorous, aquatic plant found throughout the Pacific Northwest. Illustrated here in gouache is the plant's role in the pond ecosystem. Bladderwort feeds on invertebrates including insect larva and daphnia, shelters snails, fish and frogs, and provides food for turtles and water fowl.
Pen & ink plate illustration of Common Bladderwort including flower, dissected flower, stolon & leaves, bladder and dissected bladder.
The layers of anatomy illustrated here in gouache and color pencil give rise to complex facial expressions of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), human's closest living relative.
Bantam Hen Skull - carbon dust
Pen & ink illustration of hummingbird babies in their nest made of spider web and moss.
Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna) feeds insects to her three-week-old fledgling.
Ammonite fossil - Carbon Dust
Copyright 2013 Lindsay Holladay